less than a week until Halloween. I looove dressing up for Halloween. When I was a kid it was all about getting as much candy as you could and then conning my brother to trade his candy with mine so I had all of my favorites. I'd line them all up and group them all together, 2 Almond Joys (Ill give those to mom), 5 Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Really what I always wanted were skittles and starburst. I never was a big chocolate fan.

Now since I am "too old" to go trick or treating, I look forward to dressing up and showing it off. I love it because for a night you get to embody someone.. or something else. Last years costume I was Tom Cruise from Risky Business and walked all over Waikiki bustin moves left and right. This year... I'm still not telling but I get to wear a wig, and be someone completely different from me. Happy Halloweeeenn!
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